The dire impact of greenhouse gas emissions from burning fossil fuels on the climate and disastrous impact on society are well enough known. An accelerated phase-out of fossil fuel use should be a priority to limit global warming. Today, we have to conclude that greenhouse gas emissions are still on the rise and that the goals of the COP 2015 in Paris will be very difficult to achieve.
The biggest and fastest reductions can be achieved by electrifying a number of sectors as quickly and deeply as possible. This ranges from the transport and mobility sector, to commercial and residential heating, and to industrial production and construction processes. However, electrification only makes sense if the generation of electricity and energy in general, is done in a renewable way. Due attention must also be paid to energy efficiency, e.g. the use of waste heat, or the synergetic use of different technologies and energy vectors.
Additional gain can be found in eco-design of systems in which the use of recycled materials is maximised, energy use is minimised and carbon capturing in enabled. It is the institute’s mission to support all societal stakeholders in the design, deployment and operation of complex systems by providing them synergetic technological solutions that aim for zero-carbon emissions.

The deployment of complex eco-systems ranging from a single building, up to districts , industrial sites, cities and even entire countries need a an holistic design- and operation approach that takes into account the carbon emissions on system level and from a cradle-to-grave life cycle perspective.
The institute therefor handles a multidisciplinary approach and brings together the necessary expertise to design technologies and infrastructure for future-fit eco-systems that are sustainable from a social, environmental and economic perspective.
The currently involved fields of expertise are hosted in four different research groups and encompass, between others, multi-energy modelling and management, sustainability assessment and ecosystem building, electric and thermal grids and assets, advanced sensoring and data processing, weather and climate modelling, sustainable molecules, sustainable and circular materials, sustainable separation of chemicals and carbon capturing. The institute will further expand with additional research teams at the VUB.

Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Pleinlaan 2
1050 Brussels
Green Energy Park
Z.1. Researchpark 160
1731 Zellik